August 2023 to June 2024

2020 MCQ Reflection • 6 min read

Research/Journey to Learn Material

  • I went through the Big Idea Videos that the team teach’s have been covering this past year. Then, I went to Teacher 2.0 and did soem studying from there as well. Additionally, I reviewed TeamTeach notes as well.
  • I reviewed how to calculate binary and the difference between converting decimal to binary and how to convert RGB to binary.
  • Collegeboard uses psuedo code with I am not as familiar with so I brushed up on my understanding of Psuedo.

Score: 61/67

Test Corrections

Question 1

  • Explanation: The correct answer is C instead of A because if we were to repeat Display “red” three times, the pattern would end up being red red red blue red red red blue. The word red itself should be repeated twice and the whole sequence, three times.

Question 2

  • Explanation: My answer B is wrong. I thought that Progam B started at 0 while Program A started at 1. However, that is incorrect since Program B does “i+1” before displaying the value. Thus, the answer is A as both programs start at the integer 1 and count upward to 10.

Question 3

  • Explanation: The correct answer is D instead of C because in all the scenarios n has a possible output before reaching “out of range”.
    • If n is less than 0, it will be negated (made positive) on Line 4.
    • If n is 0 or a positive integer, it will go through the conditions.
    • If n ≥ 30, it will display “too high.”
    • If 10 ≤ n < 30, it will display “in range.”
    • If n < 10, it will display “too low.”

Question 4

  • Explanation: The correct answer is D. In B, the variable flip is assigned four values. This means that the player will win about 50% of the time and when the value is 0 or 3. D is correct because the coin is assigned two values 0 and 1 (heads or tails).

Question 5

  • Explanation: The answer is A. C is incorrect because the simulation does not display the total population but rather the change in population over the whole span of the simulation. A is correct because the simulation stops either when 24 hours have passed or the population is 0.

Question 6

  • Explanation: Author is correct, but Quantity Available is incorrect. The selling price, quantity available, and genre is required to perform the calculation. The author and title are unnecessary details.
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