August 2023 to June 2024

Week 2 Plan/Review Ticket • 2 min read


  • Monday: Get the the lightbulb to turn on when the logic gate is correct
  • Tuesday: Beneficial and Harmful Effects TeamTeach
  • Wednesday: Work on homework from teamteach and build second feature (signed addition)
  • Thursday: Digital Divide TeamTeach
  • Friday: Finish first and second features (prep for live review next week)

Summary of Accomplishments

  • Used JS in order to get the lightbulb to work
  • Learned to use performBinaryAddition function in order to create simple binary calculator
  • Learned about the Digital Divide and the Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Software
  • Notes from the TeamTeach
    • The digital divide refers to the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology (ICT), such as the internet, and those who do not.
    • Factors contributing to the digital divide: access to technology, skills and literacy, econmic gap
    • beneficial effects of the internet
      • Access to information
      • Communication
      • Education
      • economic opportunities
      • innovation and creativity
    • Harmful effects of the Internet
      • cybersecurity concerns
      • privacy issues
      • digital addiction
      • spread of misinformation
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