August 2023 to June 2024

CPT Project Individual Review • 4 min read

Project Overview

As Ellie is an elite water polo player and Ishraq and I don’t know much about the sport ourselves, we decided to make our project centered around teaching others about the sport. Our project allows users to ask questions about water polo to AI and stay updated on local games and player stats such as Del Norte’s team. There is also a short quiz to test user’s knowledge of the sport after exploring our site.

My feature

My role in our group was Frontend and Scrum Master. For our project, I did the styling, formatting, and performed fetch code for the homepage, AI feature, as well as the login/signup pages. We came up with an outline of roughly what the site would look like and I followed it when creating the visuals. A small feature that I added was also the water polo quiz.


Originally, this was our plan but for the site but after I followed it, I decided it would look better to have the cards side by side. This is my homepage design:


For cohesiveness I used the same colors and gif. Users can insert questions they have about the sport and the fetch code will send it to the bot in backend and deliver the message.


Users must have admin in order to ensure that trust people can add game scores. If they do not have admin to login there is a sign up feature


For fun, test their knowledge users can insert click on our quick quiz and see if they can remember the information they’ve learned.If questions are missed they have the option to ‘Try Again’.


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