August 2023 to June 2024

Mcq Corrections • 3 min read

2021 MCQ Corrections

Score: 68/70

Q17: Remove connections to disconnect devices B and C

  • My answer: I chose 3 because I thought that by disconnecting devices A, D, and E from B, device G wouldn’t be able to connect to device E. This assumption was wrong because even though the connection between E and B is broken, E and G are still connected perfectly fine. Therefore, the correct answer is 4. Both B and C have four connections and all of B or all of C’s connections need to be cut off in order for B and C to completely disconnect.

Q66: Set bonus points based on timer

  • My answer: A is correct, the default value for points is set to 300. In A, if the timer is greater than 30, 500 is added to the bonus to get 1000. When the timer is greater than 60, the bonus value which is now 1000 is now increased by another 500 to get 1500. C is incorrect because if the timer is greater than 60 it will also be greater than 30. However, since the points for anything greater than 30 is 1000, which is the second IF, the points will be 1000 when it should be 1500. D is correct because it addresses the problem in C with the “timer >= 30 AND <= 60”
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